Terrarian Sun

The beach blows cold
Without your warmth

The light of whose smile
Brightens the darkened horizon

Sol, your comfort
During turbulent wakes
Rises with you

Silent shimmers shining
Early morning waves
Where you sit to bask
In the eyes of your equal

You, the Terrarian Sun
Stare back in wonder
As the undefeated ascends
Above the clouds

Projecting a carousel
Of shifting shapes
In contrast

Each a day in the life
For all the days you lived

A horizontal panorama of you
At peace

Something so desperately sought
On those white sand shores

Now, so far away

As all suns must set

Yet ever in their passing
Paint the sky
In colorful remembrance

Where warm pastels of Rose
Marry soft reds
Into darker cherry

Cooling into neon baby blues
And bursting orange hues

That slowly start to fade
With your days dying light

And you join the stars
Patiently awaiting the dawn
And a warm beach breeze


The shell of the soul cracks under the weight of loss
That steals the light of love that hardens the heart
Against the weathering forces of time and tears
Whose water slowly erodes the stone surface
Revealing a modeled marble macabre facade
Trapped in a moment of excruciating emptiness
When faced with the forever truth that fate finds all
And none can escape the inevitable end of infinity
Which awaits every living being before we’re buried
Our memories memorialized in memorable eulogy
To heal the cracks the soul has suffered from loss


The Scar

To live is to learn
He said as he held his crying son
Between sobs he felt fresh tears seeping into his coat
Damp reminders of times he himself broke down
Feeling the pressing weight of life and it’s expectations
He held the boy at arms length

“There was a time not too long ago…

The magnolias were in bloom
Sweet summer consumed sweet home
Alabama sang from the back of a black pickup
Doors open and tailgate down we loved the sound
Touchdown! rang across white cotton fields
Swaying in the gentle southern breeze
Whose caress cools the heat of the day
That buzzes with whirling dragonflies
And Hovering Toms humming to a bees melody
Blue Jays fought Bluebirds under blue skies
Pocked by slowly drifting cotton clouds
Lazily shape shifting into reflections of the land below

A rabbit, curious, ready to bounce

‘Ol Bo, the bird dog, pointing to a fresh kill

A deer, alerted, spooked by murderous cawing crows

All of this, seen by a boy in a tree

“Until he fell”
The father whispered to his son
Rolling up his sleeve he showed him the scar
“You see, my boy, I have broken a bone or two…
Some hearts
… Some dreams
Said things I didn’t mean…
Yet those magnolias still bloomed
The bees still buzzed
And birds either love or hate the color blue
Such is the nature of nature:
It is alive because it has learned to live

My Daemons

If only I could summon the will to banish my daemons;
Exorcise the rot that for too long has brought me low;
Waged a war unseen and unheard by the outside;
Inside, a mutinous cacophony of a bloody battlefield;
Where the parts of me unfouled by corruption, weep;
Tears of crimson blood run down as flowing rivers rage;
Anger, that the current refuses to change its course;
Sadness, that I was the one who had diverted destiny;
Swept away by tides no mortal man can hope to shake;
Trapped, like mighty Atlas, beneath the weight of fate;
An unfortunate purgatory of endless indecision;
A fear to see myself beyond the scars I have caused;
Calloused, my pessimism knows no boundaries;
There can be no going back to brighter days;
When days are comparable only to the blackest night;
Sunrises carry the gravitas of the setting sun, reversed;
Life, loses the beauty that once inspired the muse;
Leaving me feeling empty, lost on ‘oft forgotten seas;
Praying for Charybdis to churn and drown my daemons;
Finally setting me free from this self imposed slavery;
Shattering the chains holding my past to my present

Some daemons are impossible to fight alone. That is why we write poetry.

Dew Drop Ballet

The morning dew drops fell to their rest

Little stars shine moonlight reflections

Each reminiscent of the different dimensions

To which water can be a part

For on the tapestry of earthy green leaves

A universal ballet is being rehearsed

As spinning fractals dance to the rhyming crickets

Whose choir hums to a classical melody

That soars as high as ancient redwoods

Towering above the dew drops as they pilè

Into a pirouetting waterfall

Whose crash sends cosmic waves

Of pitter pattering percussion

That quickly rises to a triumphant crescendo

Only to fall silent as the first light of morning

Transforms the dewy pantheon

Into glorious diamonds of golden rays

Whose attitude stands defiant

Against the altitude of the coming vault

Back to the skies from which dew cried

A forlorn mist longing to reach the clouds

And escape the terrestrial embrace

Whose gravity forever tugs with tidal force

Turning mist to rain to fall in stars

Droplets destined to reunite with the lonely night

And dance to the dew drop ballet

Free Falling

As the water falls
I feel my soul reawaken
Colors are brighter
More vivid
Greens coalesce into lush gardens of life
Made more pronounced by the grays of scattered boulders
Whose placement steers the water to lower climbs

As the water falls
I am falling with it
It’s power cleanses my heart
Opening my soul up to muted browns
Possessed by both life and death as leaves turn to soil
That breathes life into the skeletal limbs that anchor the forest canopy
Below Earth’s baby blues

As the water falls
I become swept away
Dragged further from the disconnections
That mute even the yellows of the sun
Pale to that of the myriad mountain flowers drawn from stark purples to contrasting reds
That remind me of both pain and happiness earned on the trail of life
Bruises that paint my battered body with the story of water and the gravity which causes us to fall

Do not save us
For we have become free
While falling

Mountain Sunset

Azure silhouettes peaked against the horizon
Borne from the sky’s last testament
Of rays beaming and accentuating
The suptle curves and vestments
That expressed their innate beauty
In the form of love with contentment

As her eyes soaked in the sight
Azure bled to crimson at the days
Dying light

Yet the fight is far from over
As she battled up the climbs
With wars and steps aplenty
Shared with her heart and mind

It is there
That the endless foothills roll
A memory of togetherness
Unafraid to unfold
In the face of freedom unburdened
Her story is now hers to hold

For she is azure like the sky
And I,
The crimson before the night
Together we paint a mountain sunset
With a love that will never die


Sowing Seeds

The soft soil slowly cools the emerging heat of spring
As it slips between my fingers I am reminded
That my home surrounds me:
It is in the sky where eagles fly;
The air where fresh winds bring warm tidings of change;
And beneath my feet that life is built in forgotten solitude.

Nature sparks within me…
Speaks through me…
With every earthy scent that raises as I till the ground
So to does my spirit reach for the heavens
When it remembers the kindred bond shared
From mother to son;
From sun to mother.

Here, I am connected, linked to the ethos of growth
Planting future generations that will always
Know my heart
Long past the day that entropy deems to return me
Back to the very soil that I never toil
To sow

By L.R. Thompson


The forms have spoken
Upon teary eye they break away
From the norms that attempt to define
Love in all its beauty
While all but ommiting
The proximity that lashes repetition
To an oath few can keep
For the heart can become numb
From the suffering of a soul
Once held in the highest of esteems
As the daily routines begin to toll
And the engine that once drove a pair
Begins to seize upon itself in a forceful
Like an ache in the spine
Our weathering starts to show
Making points already proven
Impeding the natural growth and flow
That once reached towards the skies
Illuminating the heavens
The desire for eternity
Is a jackpot of lucky sevens


Entropic Thermodynamics

Entropy is increasing
Slowly reducing order to disorder
Like all things must
As confirmed by thermodynamics
And witnessed by aging
To the point where all things
Is the malady of experience;
A means to interpret energy
Such that
Whatever choices
You must face
The first law is final:

One conversion
No waste

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