Flooding Liberty

Dammed,The vault of his mind was laid bareA barren stream with only fossils visibleAt the mouth, buried under silt, he found unspoken wordsThat he had left to the undercurrents of political correctness:“You do not own my mindIt is mine and mine aloneAnd with it, I shatterYour rules and ties that bind” As if in responseContinue reading “Flooding Liberty”

Titanic Weight

It’s in the quiet moments that we dwellKneeling from the weight of countless burdensImagining Atlas as he stood proud after shruggingThinking and gathering the courage necessaryTo do what is required regardless of the strainWe heave in determined concentrationAt first making no discernible impact until…Progress and a shift in consciousness as peaceBegins to peak over aContinue reading “Titanic Weight”

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